Monday, November 29, 2010


What is a POLICY? What is a LAW? Rhetorical, I know. Whenever I hear or see people conversing or "whining" about a "GENERATED" issue, or best known today as "NEWS", I get a Feeling of disgust. I can NOT help but feel this way. UN-knowingly, people do not realize that they are VERY much apart of EVERY "generated issue". The more WE THE PEOPLE feed into "generated" issues, the more WE are to blame for not preassurring the right people into RESOLVING the REAL issues: corruption, REAL transparency,informing the masses of laws passed that contradict YOUR constitution...and America's "future" role in the NWO! We are sold out by i-phones,generated issues on who Tiger Woods is bangin, wether or not we should make pot legal...yada yada!! MISDIRECTION!! WAKE UP!! EVERYTIME an issue of magnitude comes up, the GENERATED 'smoking gun' is always there to justify it! Just think of the salesman selling you the car, or the magician that is a master at 'slight of hand'. Enough said??