Monday, March 8, 2010

Career Criminals

The more I surf the web looking for news and political articles, I notice a growing trend. It's becoming more and more the "norm" for our intellectual citizens to cite statements like,"come november...", "we'll vote them out come election time...", "we ONLY have to put up with this another 2 years..". I think you get the picture. The trend is becoming more apparent. I am becoming more concerned with the lack of "common sense" within these statements. I do believe it is important to advise you that I do not possess the answer to "fix" the machine that drives these criminals. It would be unfair and egotistical to claim that I do. The "damage" inflicted in the amounts of time given our representatives seems to be accomplished "lightning-quick". They may, or may not get "voted" out of office, however, by then, it's simply to late. (You &) I find our representatives touting the same rhetoric of "change", "the peoples rep.", you know, the usual verbal diharrea that spews out of their mouths. Election time always brings the best of the best from these Career Criminals. The very issue that gets overlooked however is their own exposure of their corruptive practices. All one has to do is "pay attention" to the campaign ads! They get dirtier and dirtier EVERY year. Another issue overlooked, how in THE fuck do these people keep getting "elected"? We hear that some of these people have been in the political spotlight for 20, 30 and some 40+ years! Here is where the problem lies! Yet, you and I NEVER hear any responsibility from any of these dirtbags for the progression of our sinking country! WE do hear however, and have become numb to, the "he said, she said", the finger pointing, the tax evasion stories, the payoffs by lobbyists, unions, banks, the BACKROOM DEALS, etc., etc., like an epic mafia movie! Resigning thier posts of office in lieu of exposure for their crimes, the sex scandals, and the blatant in-your-face lies! Is this why the world envies, or hates us as Americans?? We the People should act with the same bold swiftness to impeach, indict and imprison these "public servants." Yet, they have become the "untouchables", WTF happened here? AAH, I now understand the words "law maker" now. I use the term "words" in lieu of "title" due to my opinion that these people no longer deserve titles of honor. These words have replaced titles like,"public official", "public servant", and the MOST important term that used to mean something, "REPRESENTATIVE of the people". I say they are just "CAREER CRIMINALS", plain and very SIMPLE. It's walking, quacking and looking like a duck, must be a politician dressed up like a duck!!

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